1. What are human rights?
Human rights are the basic freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. They apply independently of where are you from, what you believe or how you choose to live. They can never be taken away, but sometimes they can be restricted. For example if a person breaks the law, or the national interests of security. These rights are based on some values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. These values are defined and protected by law.

The most important human right in my opinion is the right to life, every individual has the right to life from his conception until his natural death, is the right that recognizes any person for the simple fact of being alive, and that protects him from deprivation or any form of attacks against his life by other people or institutions. It is very important because it not only protects people from death, but from all forms of abuse or violence that make their lives.

Human rights
2. Which of the human rights do you personally think is the most important? Explain your answer.