1.What are human rights?
Answer:Human rights are fundamental rights created for humans.Each person has this rights since he or she was born.There were created for the unequal relationship of people.this are for all people,no matter their sex ,religion ,race ,language ,or other status.Also they were created for the kids that were enslaved to work and the ones who were mistreated from bad people or even from their parents or from family members.Now a days this rights had been helpful for the peace in the world.
2. Which of the human rights do you personally think is the most important? Explain your answer
Answer:For me the most important human right is the right of having live because this is the right that all people have and use. It is important for me because if you have this one you will have the other rights.Also this one is a right that everyone should have,but bad people damages or break killing and torturing people.Fortunately this right has been more respected during the last years.Finally this right is given when your parents haved you.